Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Holidays!

After a little break due to repairs from the floods, I am pleased to announce that we are back! The dojo has fresh paint, a new floor and some new woodwork. It was great to see everyone on the 10th and we look forward to our holiday party on Monday, December 14 at 6:30! Last practice of the year will be on December 17 before we close for the holidays. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyone for some good holiday fun!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Broadkill Martial Arts Academy At The Jefferson School

Sensei will be teaching an after school program at the Jefferson School starting in January. Children from the ages of 4-14 will be able to enroll in the E.D.G.E program as an after school activity. What a fantastic way to start off the new year!!!

The Waters May Rise.

We will not fall!! The dojo was flooded with the recent nor easter Ida as it blew through our area last weekend. As we take this time to give thanks, I feel it important to be thankful that we are resuming classes on November 30. Thankfully, the dojo is not beyond repair and we are looking forward to a make over! As you take this time to be with family and friends, continue to stay safe and keep your thoughts and prayers on those who are away serving our country.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sleeping Bags for Delaware's Homeless Children

I am pleased to announce that we have lined up a partnership with the state of Delaware to donate sleeping bags for Delaware's homeless children. Last year, there were over two thousand homeless children here in our little state. At Broadkill Martial Arts Academy, we believe in serving the community and striving toward our ideals. Lets lend a helping hand and a warm blanket to those less fortunate. Details to be announced in class.

Stay safe,


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A New Arrival!

Congrats to Jason Beale on the birth of his son Cooper James Beale!!!!!! We at Broadkill wish Jason and his wife Magritte all the best!!!

Free Womens Self Defense Seminar On August 30 From 6-9p.m.

Dress Comfortably, bring bottled water and a towel. While the program is free you are asked to bring canned goods for us to donate to local homeless shelters.Various physical responses will be covered as well as interactive discussion and learning. Space is limited! Register at NTL August 28, 2009.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Up Coming Exams!

It is with pleasure that I announce the testing of three mudansha (those without black belt..yet!) Jamie McLean, Jason Beale and Walter Woolman IV. All three students have been training hard and I am looking forward to watching them tie on their yellow belts. Jamie and Jason will be testing on 16, June while Walter will be testing on 20, June. I am excited for my students as they take their first steps on this rewarding journey of self discovery and mastery.

Up Coming Events at Broadkill Martial Arts Academy

The film "Kung Fu Panda" will be shown free of charge for members of the dojo and community. Please bring a canned good to donate to our local homeless shelter. Beverages and healthy snacks will be provided as well as a brief program overview of classes.

Abbott's Mill Nature Walk and Arrow Making Craft Project. This event will be held in early July. Cost is free and everyone is encouraged to bring a beverage and a small snack or dish as we will be having a cookout!

Children's EDGE class book of the month will begin in August. Titles of books will be reviewed and selected by Sensei Mike and Jamie. Parents are encouraged to read along as well.

Basic Vocabulary Review:

Sensei- Teacher, or one who has gone before.

Dojo- Place of the way, the room in which we train. The whole world is your dojo, there are teachable moments at every turn. Look, listen, feel!

Gi- Pronounced, "Geeee" the uniform you wear for training.

Obi- Pronounced, "Oh-Bee" the belt that ties around your waist.

Nage- Pronounced, "Nah-Gaay" Person performing a technique as assigned.

Uke- Pronounced, "Yoooo-kaay" Person receiving a technique, or posing as the attacker etc.

These are Japanese terms very often found in Japanese martial arts. More phrases and key words will be taught and reviewed as training continues.

Now for a quick note on the basics of technique and their role in mastery.

A very well known sword teacher was invited to give a seminar at a local dojo. Being in his eighties and having been a student of the sword since childhood, he was a renowned master and sought after teacher. Upon his arrival, several eager students were seated around the mat waiting to see what gems of advanced concepts he would reveal. Carefully getting dressed into his gi, tying his obi and retrieving his wooden sword; the old man gently walked to the center of the mat. Bowing deeply, he took up his sword and began to move through several overhead strikes. He performed the same strike again and again. This was the first aggressive strike students learn when studying the sword. The old man relaxed his weapon, bowed deeply and turned to the students with a bright smile.

"I never could get that one right!" With this gem of wisdom, he whisked himself off the mat leaving a very confused bunch of students!

We must never neglect the basics either on or off the mat.

Have a safe and wonderful summer,

Sensei Mike

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Something Worth Pondering

I would like to share with you a favorite story that has many things worth considering...

A traveler had been on the road for more days than he could remember. He passed by an old gentleman sitting on a box holding out a bucket and asking for food or money. The traveler stopped a moment to speak with the old man.
"Could you spare some change or perhaps a bit of food?"
"I have nothing to give you." Said the traveler.
"Yet..I am a curious man by nature and wonder what is in the box you are sitting on?"
"I have never looked." Said the old man.
"Perhaps you should stand up and see whats inside? " The traveler was still curious.
"Thats a good idea, perhaps I should." The old man set his bucket down and got up, turned around and opened the lid of the box. To his astonishment and to the satisfaction of the traveler- the old man found himself gazing into a huge pile of money. All those years of sitting on the box and begging for money seemed silly now. He had been sitting on a fortune all along. What does this tale have to teach us? If we spend all our time searching on the outside for some truth or feeling of satisfaction, we may find that if we never look inward we will never know the treasures that await us within ourselves. We must get up and take a look inside. Don't like what you see? Train!!!! Action beats reaction one hundred percent. It wastes energy to make excuses and complain. Take the tools you have inside and create something wonderful with the sweat of your brow and the effort of your spirit.

Be Safe,

Sensei Mike

News Briefs

New Updates!

I want to thank the students and staff at SCOPE in Roxanna for a wonderful showing of support and enthusiasm for my E.D.G.E program. The students all were very respectful and interested in the subject of setting goals and learning about the importance of letting our names represent something meaningful and noble in life. I look forward to continued classes at SCOPE as well as their other educational sites.

Milton Elementary School Family Fun and Safety Night

On April 3 we were very pleased to meet and speak with several area families who are curious about our academy and what we teach. I was delighted to see a new young face join my children's class on April 4! Welcome Cyrus!!! I will be posting a student roster along with a photo page very soon!

Spring is here and no classes will be held on April 11 in observance of Easter. Be safe and enjoy this wonderful holiday. Congratulations to everyone for your continued hard work and effort!

Sensei Mike

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Moving Ahead!!

I want to first commend everyone on the hard work you are doing and the challenges you are meeting! Everyone is looking very good with the techniques we have been covering in these first few start up weeks. As you push yourself further with the exercise, push yourself equally hard with the mental component of your training. Be our tasks great or small, do them well or not at all!

Thanks so much to Dan Wigman for purchasing mats for our dojo!!! I am looking forward to taking our training to the next level as we begin to look closely at proper falling techniques and the introduction of throws and escapes. Thank you Dan for such a generous gift!!!

Jamie and I will be part of a health fair at the Milton Elementary School on Friday April 3, 2009. I am looking forward to meeting parents and children in the community and hopefully encouraging those who are interested to join us on the mats to explore and discover their potential!

Stay safe in this winter weather!

Sensei Mike

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Classes resume on 02/17/09.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Upcoming Events

March -2009- Jo Staff Seminar/ Application and instruction of the 13 count Jo staff kata.

April- 2009- Seminar with local Tae Kwon Do School.

April -2009- Meditation Seminar with the Insight Meditation Group of Lewes.

May- 2009- Kenjutsu Seminar- Samurai sword fighting postures/cutting patterns/ standing and kneeling applications/sword etiquette and cleaning instruction.

June 2009- Jo Staff seminar- Analysis and application of 13 count Jo kata.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Broadkill Martial Arts At SCOPE School

I am pleased to announce that my E.D.G.E program will be presented at the SCOPE school next month in Roxanna and Bridgeville. My E.D.G.E program is my teaching model for all of my classes and students in any age range. It is defined as follows: E- Education D-Dedication G-Goal Setting E- Excellence.

Education is paramount in life. Your training in the art is a form of education. Education is a wonderful endeavor toward personal growth and enrichment. Dedication is an ideal and behavior that allows us to see tasks through, be they great or small we should do them well or not at all!
Goal setting can be long or short term. Some students enter the martial arts to work toward the much coveted black belt. While thats a long term goal, the gradual progression of the colored belts is an example of short term goal setting and growth. Excellence should define our character. It gets easy and tempting to do the minimum but we are always let down when we don't receive the maximum. Work or wealth? Its our choice!!!

I am excited to bring this program of physical martial arts, youth team building and guidance to the school systems. Together, rather than just serve our communities, we can help create them!

Always improve, always evolve, never stay still!!!!!

Master Mike

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Classes begin on January 10, 2009! Here are our new times and rates!

Tuesday Evenings: 6:30-7:15 pm Children's Class
7:30-8:45 pm Adult Class

Saturday 9:00-10:15 am Adult Class
10:30-11:15 am Children's Class
11:30-12:15 pm Teen's Class (ages 13 to 17)

Fees: Adults: $55 per month

Children: $35 per month

Private Sessions: $ 45 per 75 minute adult session
$25 per 60 minute children's session