Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Something Worth Pondering

I would like to share with you a favorite story that has many things worth considering...

A traveler had been on the road for more days than he could remember. He passed by an old gentleman sitting on a box holding out a bucket and asking for food or money. The traveler stopped a moment to speak with the old man.
"Could you spare some change or perhaps a bit of food?"
"I have nothing to give you." Said the traveler.
"Yet..I am a curious man by nature and wonder what is in the box you are sitting on?"
"I have never looked." Said the old man.
"Perhaps you should stand up and see whats inside? " The traveler was still curious.
"Thats a good idea, perhaps I should." The old man set his bucket down and got up, turned around and opened the lid of the box. To his astonishment and to the satisfaction of the traveler- the old man found himself gazing into a huge pile of money. All those years of sitting on the box and begging for money seemed silly now. He had been sitting on a fortune all along. What does this tale have to teach us? If we spend all our time searching on the outside for some truth or feeling of satisfaction, we may find that if we never look inward we will never know the treasures that await us within ourselves. We must get up and take a look inside. Don't like what you see? Train!!!! Action beats reaction one hundred percent. It wastes energy to make excuses and complain. Take the tools you have inside and create something wonderful with the sweat of your brow and the effort of your spirit.

Be Safe,

Sensei Mike

News Briefs

New Updates!

I want to thank the students and staff at SCOPE in Roxanna for a wonderful showing of support and enthusiasm for my E.D.G.E program. The students all were very respectful and interested in the subject of setting goals and learning about the importance of letting our names represent something meaningful and noble in life. I look forward to continued classes at SCOPE as well as their other educational sites.

Milton Elementary School Family Fun and Safety Night

On April 3 we were very pleased to meet and speak with several area families who are curious about our academy and what we teach. I was delighted to see a new young face join my children's class on April 4! Welcome Cyrus!!! I will be posting a student roster along with a photo page very soon!

Spring is here and no classes will be held on April 11 in observance of Easter. Be safe and enjoy this wonderful holiday. Congratulations to everyone for your continued hard work and effort!

Sensei Mike