Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Classes resume on 02/17/09.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Upcoming Events

March -2009- Jo Staff Seminar/ Application and instruction of the 13 count Jo staff kata.

April- 2009- Seminar with local Tae Kwon Do School.

April -2009- Meditation Seminar with the Insight Meditation Group of Lewes.

May- 2009- Kenjutsu Seminar- Samurai sword fighting postures/cutting patterns/ standing and kneeling applications/sword etiquette and cleaning instruction.

June 2009- Jo Staff seminar- Analysis and application of 13 count Jo kata.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Broadkill Martial Arts At SCOPE School

I am pleased to announce that my E.D.G.E program will be presented at the SCOPE school next month in Roxanna and Bridgeville. My E.D.G.E program is my teaching model for all of my classes and students in any age range. It is defined as follows: E- Education D-Dedication G-Goal Setting E- Excellence.

Education is paramount in life. Your training in the art is a form of education. Education is a wonderful endeavor toward personal growth and enrichment. Dedication is an ideal and behavior that allows us to see tasks through, be they great or small we should do them well or not at all!
Goal setting can be long or short term. Some students enter the martial arts to work toward the much coveted black belt. While thats a long term goal, the gradual progression of the colored belts is an example of short term goal setting and growth. Excellence should define our character. It gets easy and tempting to do the minimum but we are always let down when we don't receive the maximum. Work or wealth? Its our choice!!!

I am excited to bring this program of physical martial arts, youth team building and guidance to the school systems. Together, rather than just serve our communities, we can help create them!

Always improve, always evolve, never stay still!!!!!

Master Mike